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The Volatility Buffer Strategy


Annuities are a great addition to most retirement plans. Depending on the type of annuity you and your Wealth Strategist choose, you can begin receiving immediate payments or you can defer them to a later date, typically age 70.

Annuities work by increasing cash flow in retirement. You pay a sum to purchase your annuity through a mutual life insurance company, and the life insurance company guarantees you income for life. You will receive payments until the day you die, regardless of how much money you have in your retirement portfolio.

There are multiple types of annuities you can utilize for guaranteed retirement income. Check out this infographic to learn about them.

If you don’t need immediate annuity payouts, a Fixed Indexed Annuity can be a great choice. With this type of annuity, you have a guaranteed payout that can increase in value based on market performance. However, the payout amount won’t decrease during a market downturn. You can enjoy the protection a mutual insurance company offers while benefiting from market upswings.

This graph illustrates the concept.

If you need immediate annuity payouts, a Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) immediately boosts your retirement income.

Regardless of which type of annuity you choose, it is recommended that you utilize both an annuity and a Wealth Maximization Account to hedge against economic downturn. Using both life insurance tools creates a strategy called the Covered Asset, where you’re protected financially if you outlive your retirement income and your beneficiaries are protected financially if you die too soon.
Learn more about the Covered Asset strategy and how it works to build a better Volatility Buffer in this blog article written by Wealth Strategist and annuity expert Bryan McCloskey.
In the next section, you can explore two case studies illustrating the financial benefits of both the Wealth Maximization Account and an annuity. 

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About Paradigm Life

Paradigm Life helps you create customized financial solutions proven to reduce risk, increase growth, minimize taxes, and hedge against market volatility.
We believe in a better financial system. One that makes life more predictable. Your financial goals are our goals, and our Wealth Strategists are by your side every step of the way.
Since 2007, CEO, author, and The Wealth Standard podcast host Patrick Donohoe and his team have helped thousands of people efficiently grow their wealth and protect against market volatility.
Take control of your financial future. Schedule a free consultation and build your custom wealth strategy today.

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