Perpetual Wealth 101: Unit 1

Financial Foundation

In this unit, I'm going to share with you how to revolutionize your finances by using a philosophy that has 150 years of proven history. A few people who have benefitted from this strategy include Walt Disney, Larry King, J.C. Penney and more. Whatever your current situation is, the Perpetual Wealth Strategy can help you build wealth and ensure you have lifelong income and an enduring legacy.

"The wealthy don't just do things differently, they do the opposite." The Perpetual Wealth Strategy produces better results, but starts by helping you create a different mindset about money and wealth.

Lesson 1: Why Money Matters

Perpetual Wealth 101 is not a graduate level course on money, but simply a few minutes of tutorials that will give you simple, proven financial principles that, when followed, will help you make more, earn more and keep more money.

Lesson 2: Net Worth vs Income

Wealth is measured in time. The goal of the Perpetual Wealth Strategy is to shift your focus and directive from maximum balance in size to maximum income.

Lesson 3: Cash Flow

Wealth is measured in time. The goal of the Perpetual Wealth Strategy is to shift your focus and directive from maximum balance in size to maximum income.

Lesson 4: The Market

The markets make more paupers than millionaires. And the millionaires it has made didn't get there by buying mutual funds or stocks.

Lesson 5: The 401(k)

The IRS generates revenue. That's its purpose. Under the 401(k) section of the tax code, it permits a deduction from taxable revenue. That is contradictory to the idea of revenue. So why would the government do this?

Paradigm Life helps you create customized financial solutions proven to reduce risk, increase growth, minimize taxes, and hedge against market volatility.
We believe in a better financial system. One that makes life more predictable. Your financial goals are our goals, and our Wealth Strategists are by your side every step of the way.
Since 2007, CEO, author, and The Wealth Standard podcast host Patrick Donohoe and his team have helped thousands of people efficiently grow their wealth and protect against market volatility.
Take control of your financial future. Schedule a free consultation and build your custom wealth strategy today.

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